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Sunday, 31 July 2016
On Penicillin
Saturday, 30 July 2016
New survey on microbiological control of tissues
European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) Commission has decided to elaborate a new
general chapter on microbiological control of tissue. The aim of the survey is
to gather information from relevant stakeholders to enable the Ph. Eur. experts
in charge of the elaboration of this chapter to have a clear vision on the
current situation regarding the characteristics of tissue preparations used in
Europe and how they are monitored with regard to microbiological control.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Bioprocessing & Sterile Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical Technology's new eBook
addresses a range of pressing bioprocessing and sterile manufacturing topics.
Features include a report on accelerated
scale-up for vaccine production, a review of the new ISO 1464 Parts 1 and 2
standards for air cleanliness classification, aseptic filling advances, a
flexible approach to cleanroom design, a science-driven approach for microbial
control, removing genotoxic impurities, regulatory enforcement and drug
shortages, and qualification and validation of single-use shipping systems.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
FDA - Product Design to Minimize Medication Errors
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has produced a new guidance for industry of interest. It is titled “Safety Considerations for Product Design to Minimize Medication Errors.”
introduction reads:
recommendations in this guidance apply broadly to the development of drug and
biologic products. Accordingly, this guidance is intended for sponsors of
investigational new drug applications (INDs); applicants of new drug
applications (NDAs), biologics licensing applications (BLAs), abbreviated new
drug applications (ANDAs); and manufacturers of prescription drugs marketed
without an approved application or over-the-counter (OTC) monograph drugs. This
guidance provides a set of principles for using a systems approach to minimize
medication errors relating to product design and container closure design and
thus enhance patient safety.
recommendations in this guidance document are intended to provide best
practices on how to improve the drug product and container closure design for
all prescription and non-prescription drugs and biologic products regulated by
the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), which are referred to
collectively in this guidance as products. The guidance also provides examples
of product designs that have resulted in postmarketing medication errors…”
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Details about a new book about medical pathology.
The IP Erasmus Project Classic and Modern Methods for Molecular Diagnostics in Human Pathology, coordinated by Transilvania University of Braşov between 2011-2013 had a follow up in the publication of a new volume. The book chapters were written or coordinated by the Project partners, as well as by other collaborators, interested both in the Project and in disseminating the results of their research.
This book release contributes towards increasing the visibility of our university, strengthening its reputation in and outside Romania.
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
The IP Erasmus Project Classic and Modern Methods for Molecular Diagnostics in Human Pathology, coordinated by Transilvania University of Braşov between 2011-2013 had a follow up in the publication of a new volume. The book chapters were written or coordinated by the Project partners, as well as by other collaborators, interested both in the Project and in disseminating the results of their research.
This book release contributes towards increasing the visibility of our university, strengthening its reputation in and outside Romania.
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
Saturday, 23 July 2016
Proper Cleaning And Maintenance Of A Laboratory Balance
a balance cleaned and maintained can dramatically increase the life of your
balance and the quality of your weighing results.
is the subject of an article by Michelle Sheridan, Weighing Specialist,
Sartorius Corporation, for Laboratory Network.
work steps, such as the measuring process itself, but also cleaning,
calibration and maintenance, should be described in your Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs). Following your SOPs can mean that you will have consistent
and precise weighing results at all times. Sartorius balances can meet your
requirements for laboratory and production areas, and allow for easy and simple
cleaning. Care of the balance’s cleanliness reduces disturbances during the
weighing process.”
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
Friday, 22 July 2016
Alcohol Alters Gut Microbiome
liver cell damage by alcohol has been well established as one of the primary
causes of liver disease. Recent work by scientists at UC San Diego demonstrates
that, in addition, alcohol can lead to liver disease by causing an imbalance in
the gut microflora. Humans produce two natural broad-spectrum antimicrobial
proteins called REG3B and REG3G that surveil gut mucosal bacteria and prevent
overgrowth. Alcohol causes a down-regulation in the genes encoding for REG3B
and REG3G leading to bacterial overgrowth, an increase in microbial
translocation, immune activation and further cell damage, including the liver.
Mice with REG3B/REG3G knockouts have more severe liver disease while mice with
REG3G over-expression avoid liver damage. This work adds to the increasing
importance of gut health on a wide range of disease.
MHRA data integrity guidance: 18 months on
Eighteen months have passed since the MHRA published its GMP data integrity guidance. Since then we have seen pharmaceutical industry make significant effort to implement the guidance globally. It has been encouraging to see industry stakeholders and regulatory partners adopting a common approach in their own publications and the messages and themes being echoed in online discussions, workshops and conference presentations.
David Churchwood has written an interesting post on the latest data integrity developments.
Here is an extract:
"During this busy period we have also been working on the next phase of MHRA guidance, which has a GxP focus (good laboratory practice, good clinical practice, good manufacturing practice, good distribution practice and good pharmacovigilence practice). Data integrity is important throughout the pharmaceutical lifecycle, and GxP regulatory requirements have a common focus of requiring confidence in the quality and the integrity of the data used for decision-making."
Here is a link to the new MHRA consultative document: MHRA data.
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Crash Testing Bacteria (video)
into a solid wall at 670 miles per hour doesn’t even leave a mark. Brigham
Young University Chemistry professor Daniel Austin and his graduate students
are learning just how hard it can be to kill bacteria.
research group, funded by NASA, is studying high velocity impact of bacterial
spores. More specifically, the group is trying to find the speed limit above
which bacteria won’t survive when they crash into a hard surface.
should be a velocity at which they’ll splat and die, but we haven’t reached
it,” Austin says. “We can get pretty close to the speed of sound, and we’re
planning to go to higher velocities in the near future, but it’s not easy to
test velocity, bacteria are loaded into a vacuum chamber and then launched by a
blast of air at speeds nearing 300 meters per second.
group’s recently published study in Planetary and Space Science is the first of
its kind to test the impact survivability rate of bare bacteria.
the main focus of the research is answering the question of how much force
the bacteria can withstand, NASA has funded the research because of the
planetary protection implications of the study: if bacteria can survive the
ejection from one planet and the impact of landing on another planet, there are
potential concerns about cross contamination of bacteria between those planets.
However, Austin is quick to acknowledge that there are other factors, like UV
light, that may kill the bacteria in transition.
though the initial publication’s lead authors Brandon Barney and Sara Pratt
have graduated, Austin continues to mentor current students as they develop the
research. The group is now collaborating with Microbiology professor Richard
Robison as they continue the quest for higher impact speeds. They anticipate
that blasting bacteria at one kilometer per second (more than 2,200 miles per
hour) should be more than enough to kill the bacteria, but the group hasn’t yet
been able to create those speeds in the lab.
seem so frequently surprised at what bacteria can survive, and this just adds
to the list,” Austin says. “Our understanding of the limits of life have
expanded a lot since the 1970s as we find bacteria surviving and even thriving
under extreme conditions.”
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Bacteria 'see' like tiny eyeballs
In a single-celled pond slime, they observed how incoming rays are bent by the bug's spherical surface and focused in a spot on the far side of the cell.
By shuffling along in the opposite direction to that bright spot, the microbe then moves towards the light.
Other scientists were surprised and impressed by this "elegant" discovery.
Despite being just three micrometres (0.003mm) in diameter, the bacteria in the study use the same physical principles as the eye of a camera or a human.
This makes them "probably the world's smallest and oldest example" of such a lens, the researchers write in the journal eLife.
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Classifying the Unclassifiable
microbes are difficult to place within the current classification of living things.
Didier Raoult believes we must break free of scientific convention or risk
stifling new discoveries.
column is hosted by the Translational Scientist. Here is an extract:
20 years ago, I was investigating amoeba and the Legionella bacteria living
within them, in a collection from Timothy Rowbotham. We identified five new
species of Legionella and also made a surprising discovery – Gram-positive
chlamydia-like bacteria living in amoeba. We tried and tried to amplify the
newly discovered microbe, but all our attempts came to
nothing, until eventually we started to question if it was a bacterium at all.
We inspected the amoeba under an electronic microscope before and after
extraction, and saw something that wasn’t bacteria-like at all, but instead
looked very much like a virus. What we originally thought was a Legionella-like
bacteria turned out to be mimivirus, a giant 0.4–0.8 µm virus with a 1.2
megabase genome.
is a very unusual virus. In fact, it’s debatable whether it is a virus at
all. It bears more resemblance to
bacteria, archaea, and eukarya than to viruses. When we investigated mimivirus
further, we found that the structural motif of its DNA and RNA polymerases are
very old – we suspect that their origins may date back to before the operation
of ribosomes. Mimiviruses can also be infected by viruses (virophages)
Friday, 15 July 2016
Every Three Seconds Someone Will Be Killed by a Superbug
British government-commissioned report says drug companies must start investing in the creation of new antibiotic medicines or be fined, according to Reuters.
new report says that if new antibiotics are not developed, someone will be
killed by superbugs every three seconds by 2050.
also predicted that by 2050, 10 million people will die every year just from
antibiotic resistant infections, according to Reuters.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
E.coli O157
Health England (PHE) is investigating an outbreak of a strain of E. coli O157
which may be associated with eating leafy salad. To date 84 cases (figure
correct as at 1 July 2016) of this strain of E. coli have been identified (77 in England, 5 in Wales, 1 in the
Channel Islands and 1 in Scotland) with the majority of cases confirmed in the
South West of England.
has been working to establish the cause of the outbreak and identified that
several of the affected individuals ate salad items prior to becoming unwell,
although no individual supplier has been identified as the source. PHE is now
reminding people to maintain good hygiene and food preparation practices in
response to the current outbreak.
E.coli O157 infection can cause a range
of symptoms, from mild diarrhoea to bloody diarrhoea with severe abdominal
pain. On rare occasions, it can also cause more serious medical conditions and
can be caught by eating infected food or by contact with infected animals. It
can also be passed from an infected individual to another person if hand and
toilet hygiene is poor.
has put in place heightened surveillance for this strain of E.coli and is and carefully monitoring
the reporting of cases across the entire country. To assist with this
investigation, we have convened a national outbreak control team to identify
the source of infection and to ensure all necessary control measures are put in
continue to stress the importance of good hand and food hygiene practices at
all times. It is vital to wash hands thoroughly using soap and water after
using the toilet, before and after handling food and after contact with any
animal and pets, including farm animals. Small children should also be
supervised when washing their hands.
also urge people to remove any loose soil before storing vegetables and
thoroughly wash all vegetables, fruit and salad items that will be eaten raw.
These measures may reduce the risk of infection from any E.coli contaminated vegetables, fruit and salad but will not
eliminate any risk of infection completely. PHE will work alongside the Food
Standards Agency to provide any further necessary public health advice as
investigations continue.”
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
EMA Issues Statement on Brexit
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has said the future location of the agency will be determined by common agreement between representatives of the Member States. This is as per a July 6, 2016 statement. Until this time, the EMA idnciates it will be conducting business as usual, and the outcome of the June 23 referendum will not affect the agency’s operations.
EMA says in the statement, “No Member State has ever decided to leave the EU, so there is no precedent for this situation. The implications for the seat and operations of EMA depend on the future relationship between the UK and the EU. This is unknown at present and therefore we will not engage in any speculations … We are confident that the Member States will take the most appropriate decision on EMA's location and arrangements in due course, taking also into account the complex political and legal environment generated by the outcome of the UK referendum.”
In the meantime, the EMA is working with various European Union institutions. The agency indicated it will update its stakeholders as soon as more information becomes available.
Source: EMAEuropean Pharmacopoeia 8th Edition: Supplement 8.8
texts - General Chapters
Chapter 2.2.3 Potentiometric determination of pH
main changes concern the choice of buffers used for the calibration of the pH
meter which is now more flexible and does not start obligatorily with an
initial calibration at pH 4.0. Furthermore, the chapter now allows the use of
commercially available, certified reference materials as buffer solutions.
Chapter 2.2.46 Chromatographic separation techniques
modified to reflect current Ph. Eur. policy (system suitability,
Chapter 2.6.8 Pyrogens
text has been revised to include a reference to general chapter 2.6.30.
Monocyte- activation test as a potential replacement of the test for pyrogens,
therefore avoiding the use of live animals.
5.1.10 Guidelines for using the test for bacterial
general chapter has undergone a general revision with the following scope.
section has been added (section 2-4) to include aspects to be considered when
establishing an endotoxin limit for a specific substance or product; also, the
text has been revised to reflect the fact that an endotoxin limit is not always
provided in a specific monograph.
is made to general chapter 2.6.30. Monocyte-activation test as an alternative
to the rabbit pyrogen test, and a recommendation is given to perform a risk
assessment when using the bacterial endotoxin test as a pyrogenicity test, due
to the potential for contamination by non-endotoxin pyrogens. In this respect,
the previous section 11 concerning the replacement of the rabbit pyrogen test by
a test for bacterial endotoxins has been substituted with a new text in
agreement with a strategy to be applied for
of bacterial endotoxins or non-endotoxin pyrogens. A distinction is made
between replacement methods already described in the Ph. Eur. and other
alternative methods.
is made to the use of alternative reagents to the Limulus amoebocyte lysate,
such as recombinant factor C: this practice avoids the use of animal species.
number of additional specific points have been included in the revision.
A is no longer declared as the reference method, and all methods A to F of
general chapter 2.6.14. Bacterial endotoxins can be used. Where the method is
stated in the monograph, the use of another method must be validated.
expression ‘threshold endotoxin concentration’ has been replaced by the more
appropriate expression ‘endotoxin limit concentration’ to harmonise with
general chapter 2.6.30. Monocyte-activation test.
new entry has been included in Table 5.1.10.-1 for formulations administered
per square metre of body surface.
Chapter 5.3 Statistical analysis of results of
biological assays and tests
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Introducing Cleanrooms (book)
Want to know how cleanrooms work? Need to understand the recent ISO 14644 update? Have an interest in how physical design connects with contamination control? Then please see this new publication from Tim Sandle:
This book provides an introduction to cleanrooms and clean air devices in GMP environments. The book explains what cleanrooms are, the contamination risks, key design features, and the requirements for classifying and operating them. The book includes detail on the 2015 update to the international cleanroom standard ISO 14644 (Parts 1 and 2).
Length: 77 pages
Available as a printed book and as an e-book from Amazon.
FDA Drug Regulation Procedure
By Michael Monheit
How Information About Drugs Is Collected By The FDA
The FDA collects facts regarding new drugs entering the U.S. market by following these basic guidelines:
Perform Tests
When a company seeks approval for selling a drug on the U.S. market, it must first perform a drug test on animals in a laboratory to establish how the drug works in humans. Once these tests are complete, the company must present an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) and must get FDA approval before it can test the drug on humans.
Clinical Trials
The company will then undertake a three-phased human clinical trial process, which is monitored closely by the FDA. This is undertaken to ensure that the drug is safe and effective for the general public.
Data Sent To FDA Regulatory Body For Review
After-Market Performance And FDA Monitoring
After the drug hits the market, the FDA monitors its performance in a myriad of ways.
If the drug presents unexpected risks, then consumers and healthcare practitioners are issued with Drug Safety Communication from the FDA. A new drug label is introduced with a safety concern statement to ensure that the drug is used in a safe and effective manner. For instance, Xarelto, a blood thinning medication was prescribed to millions of patients across the country to prevent stroke-causing blood clots. While there hasn't been a recall of the drug, the FDA has issued a series of safety communications about the drug, along with two black box warnings. has stated that this black box type of warning is the strictest form of warning that the FDA can issue for any drug. This warning comes because there is reasonable evidence of major side effects associated with Xarelto.
In some instances, drugs with major adverse effects will be withdrawn from being sold on the market because of the safety hazards they pose. This is because the FDA determines that the risks of that particular drug outweigh the benefits it provides. In December 2014, the FDA delivered an Adverse Reaction report about Xarelto resulting in low blood platelet counts or thrombocytopenia. Before this, the FDA issued several warnings about Xarelto to the public. The FDA cautions patients taking certain medications to discontinue the use of Xarelto, as a way to responsibly communicate with them.
Limitations Associated With Garnering Safety Data
While the FDA makes a strong effort to properly regulate drugs, some limitations are associated with safety data:
Even though experts review clinical trial data, it is hard to detect all possible side effects from the drug.
When people on other drugs take a certain drug, it is practically impossible to ascertain the kind of reactions the combination creates.
At the end, the FDA faces several challenges when evaluating new drugs. A particular drug will be effective for some people while it may produce side effects in others. Once a drug is on the market, the FDA must continuously review it during its lifecycle to ensure safety for patients.
Michael Monheit, the managing attorney at Monheit Law, has been working to assist individuals and families who have been harmed by defective drugs and products. In fact, Mr. Monheit served on the Plaintiff’s Steering and Executive Committee for MDL 1148. He understands how stressful it can be to stand up to a major corporation and is committed to making sure that plaintiffs know they have someone on their side.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Bacterial Biomarker Hope
enterocolitis is one of the most common causes of death in premature infants –
but by the time of onset, it’s already difficult to treat. Barbara Warner
suggests that changes to the gut microbiome might allow pathologists to predict
the disease.
and her colleagues at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
examined stool samples from 46 premature infants who developed NEC and 120
age-, birthweight- and birthdate-matched infants who did not. Genetic
sequencing and statistical analysis revealed that the NEC population had
significantly higher proportions of Gammaproteobacteria in their gut
microbiome, and lower proportions of Clostridia and Negativicutes. This
discovery raises many more questions for the researchers. “We hypothesize that
the potential driver(s) behind this microbial signature could be related to the
microbial community itself, the host, or both,” Warner explains. “Is it that
specific pioneering microbes set the stage for subsequent colonization
patterns? What then would be the determinants of those pioneering microbes?
Alternatively, could it be that the host response is a determinant of which
microbial community evolves? Preterm infants have an immature immune system,
and it is increasingly evident that the gut microbiome and host immune systems
are in a close reciprocal relationship that may be impacted by that
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