As part of the ISO periodic review cycle, ISO 14644-1, Cleanrooms and
associated controlled environments — Part 1: Classification of air
cleanliness is being revised. ISO TC209 Working Group 01, an
international team of subject matter experts, is planning to assess the
existing ISO 14644 document and propose changes for enhancements.
After discussing with statisticians, the expert working group is
recommending modifications to the classification method. It is also
implementing the key elements of ISO 14644-3, Cleanrooms and associated
controlled environments — Part 3: Test methods in an effort to improve
the document and thus enhance credibility and resulting quality.
Changes in Classification Method
The present ISO 14644-1 document depends on an ad-hoc approach to
ascertain the location and number of sampling areas for classifying
cleanrooms. This method, however, is not built on statistical sampling
technique and also does not consider any risk-based evaluation. At
present, the working group is recommending a randomized sampling
location selection technique, in tandem with a risk-assessed,
fixed-location sampling technique.
Founded on the hypergeometric statistical model, the randomized
sampling technique enhances confidence that the selected sample provides
95% assurance that the results represent 90% of all areas in the
cleanroom. Examining the additional risk, the fixed sampling location
technique enables cleanroom users to choose the areas where their
product is believed to be most at risk. When the cleanroom is classified
first, these locations will be sampled, and whenever the room is
re-qualified the locations will be sampled again.
When combined together, these two methods provide improved confidence
that the cleanroom is operating as expected and ideal for providing the
right quality-controlled environment for life science applications.
These methods are better than the method specified in the existing ISO
14644-1 document.
Improving Confidence in Quality
In addition to cleanroom monitoring and classification applications
in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries, there are certain
particle counters that can be utilized in indoor air quality and other
less critical industrial applications.
Figure 1. Particle counters can be designed for different applications
Although a number of air particle counters available in the market
are designed for use in all three application areas, some give incorrect
results in low particle concentration environments such as
life-critical cleanroom applications, while others are unable to handle
high particle population environments found in the industrial
applications. Therefore,
particle counters
developed for the less critical industrial applications may not meet
the rigorous requirements specified in ISO 21501-4 and ISO 14644-3.
In an effort to enhance confidence in the quality of cleanroom
environments, the amended ISO 14644-1 document will comprise the
performance criteria of particle counter specified in ISO 14644-3 and
give a normative reference to ISO 21501-4,
Determination of particle
size distribution — Single particle light interaction methods — Part 4:
Light scattering airborne particle counter for clean spaces, to guide the reader through a consistent test method for the calibration of
particle counters. The ISO 21501-4 document was initially published in 2007.
Additionally, manufacturers of particle counters and national
standards agencies have publicized the normative reference to ISO
21501-4 in the amended document ever since the initial draft of the
revised ISO 14644-1 document was published in December 2010. Therefore,
the working group believed that, by the estimated publication date of
the amended ISO 14644-1 in 2013, the industries using the ISO 14644-1
document would have sufficient notification of the need to conform to
the ISO 21501-4 calibration method and to also upgrade any particle
counters that are non-compliant.
Prior to the publication of ISO 21501-4 in 2007, no calibration
standards were available for airborne particle counters which resulted
in fluctuating levels of performance from particle counting systems.
Since 2007, many particle counter manufacturers across the globe have
modified the designs of their particle counters meant for critical life
science ISO 14644 applications, so that these instruments can fulfill
the more complex expectations of the latest calibration standard. Now,
cleanroom users can have improved confidence that their cleanrooms are
providing the required level of quality-controlled environment for their
specific processes.
Content Imported from ISO 14644-3
The performance requirements of particle counter have been laid down
in the ISO 14644-3 document since its first publication in 2005 and
corresponds with the ISO 21501-4.
Figure 2. Specifications for the light-scattering discrete-particle counter from ISO 14644-3
In an effort to enhance clarity, the International Standards
Organization Technical Committee ISO TC 209 determined that particle
counter performance methods and criteria used to attain classification
should be integrated into each ISO 14644 standard. Therefore, the
performance criteria of particle counter specified in Table C.1 of ISO
14644-3 will appear in the amended ISO 14644-1 document.
Publication timeline
The initial publication of the Draft International Standard (DIS) DIS
ISO 14644-1 in December 2010 triggered a heated debate. After assessing
the questions and comments from the international community with regard
to the DIS, the expert working group planned to publish an amended
draft DIS document in 2013. In the interim, ISO Technical Committee
TC209 recommends that users who want to leverage the improvements in the
2010 DIS ISO 14644-1 document can use it, as long as they know that the
final published version will be modified.
The improved sampling method in the revised ISO 14644-1 document
along with the enhanced guidance for particle counter calibration and
performance will provide improved confidence to cleanroom users that
their cleanroom is delivering the preferred level of quality-controlled
environment for critical life science applications.
Posted by Tim Sandle