For over 40 years, NuAire has been providing
laboratory equipment that better enables researchers to work under defined
environmental conditions. A biosafety cabinet or biological safety cabinet
(BSC) is an enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for users to safely
handle materials that might contain pathogens. There are several different
models of BSCs, which are differentiated by the user’s experimental focus and
the degree of bio-containment required.
The primary purpose of a BSC is to protect the
laboratory worker and the surrounding environment from pathogens such as
bacteria and viruses being used within the cabinet. All exhaust air is filtered
through HEPA-filters as it exits the biosafety cabinet, removing the harmful
pathogens. Most classes of BSCs have a secondary purpose that is to maintain
the sterility of materials inside the cabinet.
Spill Kit
The lab should have a kit or the components
readily available to address an accidental spill. This includes an easy-to-read
outline of the spill response Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that should
be posted, read and understood by everyone in the lab, the appropriate personal
protection equipment (PPE); including eye protection, a clean lab coat or
scrubs and spare slip-on shoes in case clothing contamination occurs. In
addition, absorbent materials, disinfectant (e.g., 10% bleach), tongs or
forceps to pick up broken containers and a biohazard waste container are
Wear appropriate personal protection equipment
Before beginning your work in the BSC, be sure
to dress appropriately wearing the approved PPE designated for your laboratory.
At a minimum, laboratory coats should be worn
buttoned over street clothing, protective eyewear should be on at all times and
latex or nitrile gloves are necessary when handling culture, contaminated
surfaces, or equipment.
Again, be sure to follow the recommended BMBL
procedures for the biosafety level of the laboratory you are working in.
Perform decontamination steps while the
cabinet is operating
When a spill of bio-hazardous material occurs
within a BSC, cleanup should begin immediately, while the cabinet continues to
operate. Keeping the cabinet running will prevent the escape of airborne
contaminants and ensure that whatever is in the cabinet stays in the cabinet
protecting those around you and the laboratory.
Remove items from the spill area
Before attacking the spill, first remove the
tubes, pipettes or any other item that might have contained the spilt liquid
and place them into the biohazard bag in the cabinet. It is important to
contain contaminated materials inside the operating cabinet to avoid exposure
to the laboratory. Always use tongs or forceps to pick up any glass or sharps
to prevent accidental injury.
Cover the spill with absorbent material
Cover the spill inside the BSC with absorbent
material such as paper towels and let the spill soak in. This helps to prevent
aerosolization of the contaminant. Once the towel is covering the spill, apply
appropriate disinfectant for the type of spill onto the towel, working from the
outer edge to the middle of the towel. Applying the disinfectant from the
outside to the inside of the spill helps to trap the material within the paper
towel and decontaminant. It is important to note that the agent spilled must
not be resistant to the disinfectant selected for cleanup. Having a laboratory
procedure that addresses the biohazards you might encounter will ensure that
you have the appropriate materials available for a spill. Bleach solutions have
several advantages over the others such as low cost, fast acting and broad
spectrum of effectiveness, but they are corrosive for use on stainless steel
surfaces inside a BSC and should be rinsed (refer to step 7).
Allow 20 minutes for disinfectant contact time
Depending on what material was spilled and
what disinfectant you are using, you might need to vary the disinfectant
reaction time. As a rule of thumb, 20 minutes should be adequate time to
neutralize the contaminant.
Wipe up spill and excess liquids with towels
Once the spill has been contained and the
disinfectant has had adequate time to react, use the towels to wipe up excess
liquid. Place used towels into a biohazard bag located in the cabinet.
Treat the area with the decontaminant again
Apply disinfectant to the spill area again and
give it appropriate time to work before wiping up with fresh towels. This helps
ensure that all of the contaminated material and surface are decontaminated.
Also check the spill pan under the work surface and disinfect following the
same procedure if needed.
Rinse the spill area well
If bleach (or any other corrosive disinfecting
agent) was used to clean the spill, use sterile water to rinse and then again
to wipe the residual bleach (or disinfectant) off of the working surface.
Bleach is very corrosive to stainless steel and will cause damage over time if
it is used to clean the cabinet.
Once the cabinet has been cleaned, remove
gloves and other protective equipment
Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and
water. Run the BSC for at least 10 minutes before resuming work. Report the
spill incident to your supervisor.
Following these steps will help you keep
yourself and those around you safe if a spill in the BSC occurs. It will also
help to maintain your equipment for years of use. So keep the workspace clean
and let the research flow!
For more information please visit or call 1.800.328.3352
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