Sunday, 7 February 2021

Vaccines Aren't Enough; We Need Faster Disinfectants

Thousands of pathogens are detrimental to human health, they mutate, and vaccines can only go so far in protecting us. Disinfectants are one of our greatest weapons in the fight against COVID and other infectious diseases, yet they have been misused for decades and COVID has unfortunately not changed this reality.


 An article by Rayne Guest

Long before COVID-19 hit, Mark White, a friend and former governor of Texas, was aware of the senseless deaths caused by improper disinfection. What Gov. White understood, and what needs to be impressed upon us all, is that old-school disinfectants have multiple disadvantages. The global pandemic has highlighted just how impractical, inefficient and often harmful to human and environmental health they are.

The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) List N has become the holy bible for companies and risk assessors looking to find a disinfectant to combat COVID-19. Many of the products on this regarded list have a 10-minute contact time, which is the amount of time that a disinfectant must remain thoroughly wet on a surface to be effective...

Despite the EPA's inclusion of hundreds of such products on the List N, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has conversely determined that, "Such a long contact time is not practical for disinfection of environmental surfaces in a health-care setting because most health-care facilities apply a disinfectant and allow it to dry (~1 minute)."

Read more here.

Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources (

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