As the cannabis industry develops, hemp is a hot topic. With its myriad applications in health and wellness, home products, clothing, and more, it's no wonder that people are eager to learn more about the crop. But what type of environment does it grow best in? Soil type is an essential factor as well. Keep reading to find out everything about what makes the best place to grow hemp.
An article by Hannah Gilbert
Hemp is any part of a cannabis plant with no more than 0.3% THC by dry weight. Anything with more than that is marijuana and regulated accordingly.
While many believe hemp can be used for almost anything marijuana can, there are restrictions on its cultivation in some places because its THC concentration can climb as high as 1%. It means growers need to take special care when selecting strains, genetics, and growing conditions if they want hemp products with minimal amounts of THC.
Three main soil types are used for hemp:
● fine sandy loam,
● coarse silt loam, and
● heavy clay.
Loamy soils are the best place to grow hemp because they drain well. Heavy clay soils also work but are harder to prepare.
What to Do?
Use a spade or shovel when turning your soil over, not to compact it as much. The purpose of loosening up your soil is so that oxygen can reach down through it more efficiently, allowing plant roots access to air pockets within your soil structure. It helps with water retention because water will sit on top of your land without enough oxygen in your soil instead of seeping down into it.
Water Needs
The hemp plant needs a moderate amount of water. However, over-watering can kill your hemp seedlings. Water your plants only when they need it, and watch for signs of overwatering. Stop watering right away if you notice any drooping leaves, as further watering will make it worse. If you don't have access to a water meter or rain gauge, keep an eye on your soil so that you know when to water again.
The key is not too much or too little water. But whatever amount is necessary for optimal growth. Good practice is what you should aim for.
The optimum temperature for hemp plants is between 20–25 degrees Celsius or 68–77 Fahrenheit. Anything below 16 degrees Celsius will most likely kill your crop. The ideal ambient temperature in which hemp can be grown outdoors is between 17-24 °C, with at least 2 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Hemp, like most plants, requires certain temperatures to survive. Any colder than 12 °C or hotter than 37°C are considered lethal temperatures for any plant. The best place to grow hemp is one that has constant airflow.
pH Level
The pH level refers to how acidic or basic a substance is. The pH scale goes from 0-14, with 7 being neutral, numbers below seven being acidic, and seven fundamental.
The pH at the best place to grow hemp lies at 6.0-7.0 on a 10-point scale, meaning it's slightly acidic. Therefore, you'll want to make sure that your plants have a relatively neutral pH level as they grow to get them into peak condition for harvest.
Summing Up
Whether you are thinking about growing hemp for medicinal or industrial purposes, you must get your facts straight. Knowing what kind of soil and environment you need will help ensure that your plants grow healthy, strong, and ready for use in whichever industry they're meant for.
Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources (
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