Sunday, 10 March 2024

New books for your pharmaceutical microbiology library

Two key microbiology texts from Euromed and PDA, published in 2024:

Industrial Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Standards and Controls 6th Edition


Industrial Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Standards and Control covers the entire spectrum of industrial pharmaceutical microbiology, as applicable to pharmaceuticals and healthcare. 

To meet the latest regulatory expectations, the role of the microbiologist is essential. In addition there is important input requirement from quality assurance personnel, engineers, and process specialists. Whilst there is a continuing need for monitoring of the environment and conducting standardised laboratory tests, industrial pharmaceutical microbiology has moved on a great deal in the past decade. 


It now has to embrace microbiological audits; rapid microbiological methods; conducting risk assessments, both proactive in terms of minimising contamination, and reactive in terms of addressing microbial data deviations; and also ensuring that processes meet ‘quality by design’ principles. In this new 700 page book a team of 20 international authorities will assist you in all your questions.


For details see Euromed


Industrial Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Quality Control

The reference text brings together the hitherto unavailable background, fundamental science, principles, development, intended purpose, and specific answers to questions of execution and qualification of compendial and related microbiological test methods. Key topics include the types of microbiological tests, reference strains and culture collections, and equivalence of reference strain.  


Industrial Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Quality Control with its 20 chapters, 19 international authors and over 500 pages, enables the practitioner to have a complete understanding of these microbiological methods, and to ensure better developed, compliant, appropriate procedures and accurate meaningful data.


For details see: Euromed

Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources (

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