Monday, 1 April 2013

The modern microbiology laboratory

The Scientist has a feature on the use of rapid methods in the modern microbiology laboratory. The focus is upon a laboratory based within the University of Toronto.

The article examines robotics, rapid methods, and spiral plating.

Here is an extract:

“Other key considerations are speed and throughput. Some robotic systems can transfer an entire plate’s worth of cells at a time using a 96- or 384-well pin array; others use 1 or, say, 8 pins (one column of a 96-well plate). Some employ disposable tips (which cost money, increase waste, and must be kept on hand), whereas others must be cleaned after every step in which the pins or tips are dipped in a solution (a necessity that adds time to each transfer operation). Also, not all systems offer “walk-away” automation. If plate stackers aren’t standard equipment, a technician will need to be on hand to exchange plates as the run proceeds.”

It is a thoughtful peace, and it does not argue that rapid methods are the best solution for all types of laboratory.

To read the feature, go to The Scientist

Posted by Tim Sandle

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