Monday, 24 November 2014

The advantages of R3A agar for water microorganisms (new paper)

Microbiological quality control of pharmaceutical water systems is of importance in ensuring that trends in contamination are detected and responded to. This is not least because water is a niche environment for many types of microorganisms and a vector for their transfer. Trending relates to actual microbial counts recorded, incidents and the types of species recovered. To facilitate species identification, microorganisms need to be subcultured from the isolation medium (R2A agar in Europe). Transfer onto the wrong media can result in the microorganism not growing. This paper describes research into three different media for subculturing: low nutrient (R2A); highly nutritious (TSA) and medium nutrient (R3A) and concludes that a higher recovery is obtained where R3A agar is used.

This is the abstract to a new research paper by Tim Sandle.

The reference is:

Sandle, T. (2014) Assessment of the suitability of R3A agar for the subculture of microorganisms isolated from pharmaceutical water systems, European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 19 (3): 85-94

If you are interested in a copy, please contact Tim Sandle

 Posted by Tim Sandle

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