new edition of Pharmeuropa has been issued (October 2015), with the deadline
for comments 31 December 2015.
is a free online EDQM publication. Draft monographs are published in
Pharmeuropa for public enquiry, which lasts for three months.
Monographs and General Texts for Comment
2.2.38 Conductivity
draft corresponds to Stage 4 within the Pharmacopoeial harmonisation process
(Ph. Eur., JP, and USP). The coordinating pharmacopoeia is the USP.
general revision of the text is proposed
2.2.1 Clarity
and Degree of Opalescence of Liquids
revision to restructure the text and eliminate unnecessary repetition. Based on
comments from users and manufacturers, the requirements for accuracy and
repeatability of the instrument have been changed
4.2.1 Primary
Standards for Volumetric Solutions
carbonate has been replaced by trometamol and a new primary standard has been
introduced to allow more single-step standardisations. Additional
recommendations for the use of primary standards have been added
4.2.2 Volumetric
revision in order to introduce more single-step standardisations using a
primary standard. Use of potentiometric end-point determination has also been
emphasised and the conditions for the use of commercial solutions have been
changed.3Wherever possible, toxic reagents have been replaced
Glossary (1502)
Basis: the definition has been reworded, including
the notion of single-phase and multiphase systems.
Colloidal dispersion, Emulsion, Suspension: it has
been decided to include under the term ‘dispersion’ the definition of colloidal
dispersion, emulsion and suspension, and to revise each of these definitions.
Solution: some additional information on the state
of the dissolved substances has been included.
Standard Term: a more detailed definition has been
elaborated.Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle
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