Monday, 9 May 2016

Cleaning and disinfection of cleanrooms (new edition)

A second, revised and expanded, edition of the CDC Handbook has been issued. The new edition contains revised information on biocidal products regulations, an expansion on the types of disinfectants and their validation requirements, and greater detail on contamination control.

The book is aimed at anyone working with cleanrooms in the pharmaceutical, healthcare or medical device sectors.

Contamination control is of great importance to healthcare facilities and to pharmaceutical cleanrooms. With healthcare, the more immediate concern is with protecting the patient from infection (infection prevention practices aim to eliminate the risk of the transmission of pathogens between patients and between patients and the health care worker). With pharmaceuticals the concern is with avoiding contamination of the product being prepared so that the product is safe for use. Both healthcare facilities (from hospital wards to pharmacy units) and pharmaceutical facilities share a number of similarities, from the importance of hand sanitization to the control of cleanrooms.

With cleaning and disinfection, there is often ambiguity about how such agents should be used including questions of ‘how often should I use this?’, ‘how do I dilute it?’, ‘how long do I leave it for?’ coupled with confusion over cleaning methods and techniques. “The Cleaning and Disinfection Handbook” addresses such issues.

The book is available from Amazon worldwide, such as:


The book is available in print or e-book format.

The book’s editor and main contributor, Dr Sandle says: ‘The use of detergents and disinfectants is a critical part of the contamination control approach. There are a myriad of different agents, but not all are suitable for cleanrooms, hands or hospital wards. Also, there is a sometimes bewildering choice of different chemicals with different modes of action, many of which are incompatible with one another. There is often ambiguity about how such agents should be used including questions of 'how often should I use this?', 'how do I dilute it?', 'how long do I leave it on for?' coupled with confusion over cleaning methods and techniques. In relation to these issues it became clear that there was no handbook which addressed these issues for those concerned with keeping hospitals and cleanrooms clean. In light of this, the idea for this book - "The Cleaning and Disinfection Handbook" - was born.’

‘In putting this book together, some of the leading experts in the field of contamination control, working either in healthcare or the pharmaceutical industry, were approached. In agreeing to contribute to this book each person has written a high quality chapter and has helped to put together what is a unique book on cleaning and disinfection. The book is subtitled "a handbook" and this is the operative word that, as editor I would most like to see applied. This is not a book intended to sit on a shelf and gather dust, it is a book intended to be read and discussed by those with the very important task of keeping cleanrooms, hospitals and the hands of staff, clean. If "The CDC Handbook" becomes an established part of the educational resources available to the workforce who aim to keep critical areas clean, then the aims and intentions which shaped this book will have been a success.’

Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle

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