Tuesday, 10 November 2020

How to Increase Sales in your own PCD Franchise Business


Starting any PCD pharma franchise business comes with an innate aim to succeed. Naturally, this can only be possible through increased sales. On paper it might seem like an easy job but executing it can be a challenge. The pharma industry has evolved over the years. So, you need to understand what the customer needs. Accordingly, you need to create strategies that can boost your sales. Well, if you are confused about where to begin, let’s help you get started. 

A guest post by Preeti Kumari

Tips to Boost Sales in PCD Pharma Franchise Business

The Product Catalogue is Important

Ideally, you should have a wide array of products on your catalogue. It’s a good idea to make a proper list of products you want to sell. This just aids in better management and helps you keep active control over the whole process. In addition, make sure you have a good inventory that operates smoothly. This is important because customers love a hassle-free experience. Make frequent checks to see if your catalogue is updated. The idea should be to reach as many customers as possible. Plus, it’s important to ensure that all the products fit your business model. This ensures you maintain a cap on your overall business.

Select the Right Products

Starting a Pharma franchise business is just the first step in the game. In order to have an impact, you need to select the right products. This is important because the dynamics of the industry are always changing. So, you need to have products that have a demand in the market. Let’s understand this with an example. We are currently in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, there has been a visible shift towards immunity boosting medicines. People are getting conscious of their health and willing to invest in these medicines. So, you need to understand that this holds a great opportunity for your business.


Your focus should be on products that can enhance human immunity. We obviously hope that COVID-19 ends and you will basically be contributing to better health through your products. So, make a strategy and understand what the market needs. This holds the key to the success of your business. Along with these, focus on the quality of the products.


Market Your Products

No matter what business you take up, you need to promote them. Without efficient marketing, you can pitch your products in the market. Your potential customers should be aware of your brand and what you are selling. In other words, you need to make your products visible in front of the people. It’s not just limited to that, you also need to create a sense of need that prompts people to buy your words. So, you need to focus on creating engaging CTAs with informative ads. It’s a good idea to have a marketing team in place. Ideally, you can partner with a pharma franchise to market your products.


It’s important to note that the marketing strategies are constantly evolving. With the advent of COVID-19, there is increased focus on online promotion. Make sure you create a social media profile where you can promote your products. Develop a customized strategy for each platform and see how everything works.

Maximize Your Customer Base

When you kickstart your business, you’ll have a pool of customers. Most businesses seem to ignore the importance of these customers. This is something you need to focus on because this group of customers is already using your products. So, you have the potential to capitalize on it. Make sure you pay attention to their inputs and thoughts about your product. You can use this to create strategies that are wired to their needs. This is vital because in any business, customer satisfaction comes first. Without them your business won’t survive. So, tailor each action based on the need of your customers. If they have any suggestions, take them in your stride and use them to maximize your business. This will load the customers with a sense that you care about them. Eventually, this will lead to more sales and bring more people towards your business.


With these tips, you can expect your business to grow in a way you never imagined. It’s all about learning and implementing the changes. Sooner or later you’ll grow.

Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources (http://www.pharmamicroresources.com/)

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