Tuesday, 26 February 2013

EU monitors bioeconomy

The European Commission has announced it will launch an observatory to map progress and impact of the development of the EU's bioeconomy.

The observatory, which is part of the EC's bioeconomy action plan, will gather data to follow the evolution of markets, to map EU, national and regional bioeconomy policies, research and innovation capacities, and the scale of related public and private investments. The Commission's in-house science service JRC will run the new resource.

The observatory will start its 3-year term in March 2013 with the aim of making the data it will collect publicly available through a dedicated web portal in 2014. In this way, the observatory will support the regional and national bioeconomy strategies now being developed by EU Member States. The observatory will track a number of performance measures, including economic and employment indicators, innovation indicators, and measures of productivity, social wellbeing and environmental quality.

Source: eurobiotech

Posted by Tim Sandle

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