Monday, 9 December 2013

Microorganism fact sheets

Microbial Examination of Non-Sterile Products

To help as a training aid and to remind laboratory staff about the different types of microorganisms associated with the microbial examination of non-sterile products (as described in USP 62 and Ph Eur 2.6.13), Pharmig have produced eight fact sheets. The sheets were written and prepared by Tim Sandle

Seven of the fact sheets profile each one of the key microorganisms (or microbial groups), using color photographs illustrating growth on agar and by Gram-stain.

A series of 8 Microorganism Fact Sheets

The microbial enumeration test and test for specified microorganisms can represent a challenging area for pharmaceutical microbiology (these are the tests for the ‘Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products’ as described in USP and Ph. Eur. 2.6.12. One of the main challenges with the test relates to identifying and characterising the specific microorganisms required by the test. To act as a training aid for new staff, and an aide memoire for more experienced staff, Pharmig have produced eight fact sheets. Seven of the fact sheets profile each one of the key microorganisms (or microbial groups), using color photographs illustrating growth on agar and by Gram-stain. These are supported by facts relating to the organism’s profile and methods for identification. The eighth sheet offers some useful guidance about the interpretation of the test. The sheets are presented in a pack and together provide a unique, informative and colorful guide to an important area of quality control microbiology.

For further details, see Pharmig.

Posted by Tim Sandle

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