Tuesday, 15 April 2014

International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day

Today is International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day.

International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (formerly known as IAMLT) established BLS Day in 1996 at the World Congress in Oslo, Norway to promote and celebrate the key role of Biomedical Laboratory personnel in diagnostic and preventive health care systems.

The purpose with the BLS Day is to increase the awareness of the role that Biomedical Laboratory Scientists have in providing health care. BLS' play an important role in diagnosis, quality development and assurance, treatment, research, development, and public health care.

International BLS Day gives our profession a day to promote and celebrate ourselves as a profession.

The theme is selected by the International Body (IFBLS) related with health issues and support the WHO Millennium Development Goals.

BLS Day is the day for Laboratory personnel to promote awareness of our profession and the key role played by Biomedical Laboratory Scientists in the diagnosis and treatment of patients and research in the modern medical sciences.

For more details, see IFBLS.

Posted by Tim Sandle

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