Friday, 15 January 2021

Good Distribution Practice - new guidance

The MHRA has issued a new blog post about Good Distribution Practice (GDP), dated January 2021. The blog emphasises that qualification and re-qualification of suppliers and customers is one of GDPs highest risk areas.

It states that the MHRA expects organisations to have qualification and re-qualification procedures implemented as part of a quality management system. Online resources provide a certain degree of confidence for conducting independent checks on licence details, such as company name, company number, site name, site address, authorised licensable activities, authorised categories of products to be handled on site and contact information.


The blog notes that inspectors often see stakeholders relying on this information available in the public domain to establish the legitimacy of a business partner. MHRA expects companies to adopt practices that incorporate independent checks as part of procedures.

It says that when verifying your business partners, it is crucial that you consider your sources of information and who else may potentially have the same access.


Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources (

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