Monday, 25 December 2023

5 Characteristics Of The Automated Microbiology Lab Of The Future


The modern microbiology laboratory is starting to look very different from the laboratory of 10 years ago, and in the next few years, the microbiology laboratory is set to appear different from the laboratory of today. The work will still involve assessing microbial numbers, determining susceptibility, and identifying organisms, and there will continue to be laboratory analysts (albeit fewer in number), yet technology will have advanced. Central to this advancement are automation and artificial intelligence.



At one level, attempting to predict the future course of technology is challenging since developments often take unexpected turns; equally, there are a number of innovations being implemented now or are in progress that can signal the path that many microbiology laboratories will follow. This article considers a selection of these.


Sandle, T. (2023): 5 Characteristics Of The Automated Microbiology Lab Of The Future, Outsourced Pharma, 24th April 2023:


Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources (

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