The issue of growing resistance to antibiotics is a major global problem
and should be ranked alongside threat of terrorism, according to the
chief medical officer for England.
Antimicrobial resistance describes the ability of a microorganism to
resist the action of antimicrobial drugs. This is important as it can
make the treatment of infections more difficult and increase hospital
costs, according to the U.K. Department of Health.
Antibiotic resistance is a serious and growing concern, with more
microorganisms becoming resistant (the so-called ‘superbugs’ like MRSA)
and fewer effective antibiotics being available, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). As an example, the WHO indicates that 150,000 deaths a year are caused by multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.
One of the main causes, the U.S. Center for Disease Control notes,
has been down to overuse of antibiotics, often in cases where none were
needed, leading to the adaptation of microorganisms to become

To highlight this concern Professor Dame Sally Davies, the U.K.
government's chief medical officer for England has said, according to
the BBC:
“If we don't take action, then we may all be back in an almost 19th
Century environment where infections kill us as a result of routine
operations. We won't be able to do a lot of our cancer treatments or
organ transplants.”
She went on to make a point about the lack of new drug development on
the part of pharmaceutical companies: “We haven't had a new class of
antibiotics since the late 80s and there are very few antibiotics in the
pipeline of the big pharmaceutical companies that develop and make
“We haven't as a society globally incentivised making antibiotics. It's
quite simple - if they make something to treat high blood pressure or
diabetes and it works, we will use it on our patients everyday. Whereas
antibiotics will only be used for a week or two when they're needed, and
then they have a limited life span because of resistance developing
Professor Davies has expanded upon these issues in her annual report to the U.K. government.
A number of global bodies are attempting to work with ‘big pharma’ to develop new antibiotics, such as the Innovative Medicines Initiative
(IMI) in Europe, which is a public-private initiative aiming to speed
up the development of better and safer medicines for patients; as well
as initiatives by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
What remains of concern is that as bacterial antibiotic resistance
continues to exhaust the supply of effective antibiotics, a global
public health disaster could arise within the next decade. It is
therefore a serious matter for governments, the medical profession, the
pharmaceutical industry and individuals.
Posted by Tim Sandle
Intresting. This problem can easily be solved by natural products as plants. Medicinal plants are in their screening process. MDR strains and some superbugs as Acinetobacter baumannii are now the most worse life threatning agents. Acinetobacter resists to every and every class of antibiotics and plants should be screened out. Like wise for other antibiotics resistant bacteria.