Friday, 28 June 2013

Validation of disinfectants

An important aspect of the selection and evaluation of disinfectants is the disinfectant validation programme. After a disinfectant has been chosen based on its chemical properties and expected performance/ effectiveness, each disinfectant should be validated to ensure its efficacy.

In relation to this, Tim Sandle has written an overview of the different stages of disinfectant validation and of the key criteria to observe. The review has been published in European Medical Hygiene.

Here is an extract in relation to European tests:

“A suspension test is a test designed to measure the efficacy of a disinfectant against selected microorganisms in the planktonic state after a predetermined contact time. Two standards are published within Europe in order to examine this: EN 1040 to measure bactericidal activity and EN 1275 to measure fungicidal activity. The basic suspension test is a simple, limited test of the product and is performed in order to determine minimum standards. In many ways the basic suspension test only serves to confirm the manufacturer’s data within the testing laboratory. Indeed, many facilities elect to audit the manufacturer and to review the manufacturer’s data in lieu of conducting the basic suspension test at their own premises.”

The reference is:

Sandle, T. (2012). Ensuring Contamination Control: State of the art techniques to establish the efficacy of disinfectants, European Medical Hygiene, Issue 2, November 2012, pp37-43.

To obtain a copy, please see European Medical Hygiene.
Posted by Tim Sandle

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