Monday, 31 August 2015

Considerations of melanocytic nevi in children

A paper of interest:

The incidence of melanocytic nevi is increasing, and nevocytic nevi are commonly encountered in childhood. Therefore, the study of these tumors, particularly those that are likely to become malignant, represents an important issue. This paper presents clinical, statistic and structural data on the melanocytic nevi in children, and of adjacent areas when the nevi were surgically excised. The study was made possible by collaboration with the specialty medical stuff of Children Clinic Hospital Braşov. The analysis of the melanocytic nevi was retrospective in relation to 30 patients. These cases were selected from the cases investigated in the first half of 2013. The pathological anatomy diagnosis was conducted following a biopsy of the fragments of melanocytic nevi excised by surgery. This took place within the plastic surgery department of the Children Clinic Hospital Brasov.

The reference is:

Cheşcă, A., Luculescu, M.C., Sandle, T. (2015) Considerations of melanocytic nevi in children, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 19 (2): 19 - 22 doi: 10.ANN/RSCB-2015-0001:RSCB

The paper can be accessed here.

Posted by Tim Sandle

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