Friday, 18 December 2015

ISO 14644 Energy efficiency in cleanrooms - part 16

ISO TC209 WG13 14644 Energy efficiency in cleanrooms - ISO14644 part 16 is now at the draft stage for review.

The draft states: “Although varying greatly in function and size, the energy consumption of cleanrooms can be over 10 times higher than that for offices of similar size. A considerable amount of energy is required to provide large amounts of filtered and conditioned air to achieve specific levels of air cleanliness. Air movement fans can account for 35% to 50% of this, due to the power required to overcome the high pressure differentials needed to operate high efficiency filters and other circulation components in the cleanroom system. Production of this type of high quality air can consume up to 80% of the total energy used in a typical manufacturing facility. Additional energy is also used to achieve temperature and relative humidity control.”

To address these issues, the aim of the standard will be to outline ways to reduce energy use while at the same time maintaining standards.

Those interested in reviewing the draft should contact their national standards body.

Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle

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