Sunday, 27 December 2015

Structural issues of the tegument regions adjacent to the melanocytic nevi

This  study  aims  at  structurally  observing  the  tegument  regions adjacent  to  the  areas  where  melanocytic  nevi  are  found.  The  study  aimed  at      analyzing the structural      tumors  accompanying  the  melanocytic  nevi  located  on  the  scalp.  Such  structural  analysis  of  the  melanocytic  nevi  is  required  because  of  the increased  frequency  of  occurrence  of  these tumors’ from early age; in turn this requires competent medical control for the elimination of   the   nevi   in   sufficient   time   due   to   the potential   for   malignant   degeneration.   The malignant  transformation  of  the  melanocytic nevi   is   triggered   by   external   factors,   in addition   to   the   genetic   factors   which   are responsible  for  the  potential  of  the  nevus  to form.     Moreover,     we     must     take     into consideration  the  influence  of  traumatizing the  melanocytic  nevi  and  their  potential  for malignant degeneration.


Chesca, A., Sandle, T., Babenko, D. and Azizov, A. (2015) Structural  issues of the tegument regions adjacent  to the melanocytic nevi, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 20 (1): 7-10

The paper is available to view here.

Posted by Dr. Tim Sandle

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