Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Discuss the role human gut microbes play in digestive and overall health

World-renowned experts to discuss the role human gut microbes play in digestive and overall health

Friday, March 7, 2014, 9 ― 10:30 a.m. (ET)

You are invited to take part in a special online press conference with gut microbiota experts this Friday, March 7, 2014, at 9 a.m. ET. Moderated by UK media medic Dr. Mark Porter, best known for his television and radio work for the BBC, the press conference will inform about factors that can lead to an unbalanced microbiota and will address the consequences of a disturbed microbiota, as well as the way in which diet and nutrition can help (including the use of probiotics and prebiotics). A prospective look at non-bacterial microbes in the gut will also be offered. Topics and speakers include:
·         The latest gut microbiota research: key topics at the Gut Microbiota for Health World Summit 2014
Speaker: Prof. Gail Hecht, USA
·         Gas and irritable bowel syndrome: what role does the gut microbiota play?
Speaker: Prof. Giovanni Barbara, Italy
·         How diet and nutrition can help (probiotics and prebiotics at all stages of life)
Speaker: Prof. Francisco Guarner, Spain
·         Non-bacterial microbes in the gut: what are they, how do we characterize them and what do they do?
Speaker: Prof. Gary Wu, USA
·         “Gut Microbes — Importance in Health and Disease”: the theme of the World Gastroenterology Organisation’s upcoming World Digestive Health Day 2014 Speaker: Prof. Francisco Guarner, Spain
If you would like to attend the online press conference, register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/365388496.
To learn more about the meeting or if you are interested in attending, please email Aimee Frank, afrank@gastro.org.
The microbial communities that reside in the human gut and their impact on human health and disease are one of the most exciting new areas of research today. To address the most recent advances in this rapidly developing field, scientists and health-care professionals from all over the world will come together at the Gut Microbiota for Health World Summit in Miami, Florida, USA, on March 8 and9, 2014. The meeting is hosted by the Gut Microbiota & Health Section of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM) and the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute, with the support of Danone.
For further information on the summit program, please refer to the following website: http://summit-registration.gutmicrobiotaforhealth.com/.

Posted by Tim Sandle

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