Friday, 3 May 2013

Toward a Revised International Cleanroom Standard

Dr Tim Sandle has written an article for Controlled Environments titled “Toward a Revised International Cleanroom Standard”.

The introduction to the article reads:

“A proposed new version of the international cleanroom standard ISO 14644 Part 1 was issued as a draft international standard in 2010. The draft received such an unprecedented level of comments that the committee tasked with overseeing the standard withdrew it. An indication of what the new draft is likely to contain is provided from the withdrawn draft and from the discussions that have taken place on various cleanroom committees.”

To read the entire article free on-line, go to ControlledEnvironments


Sandle, T. (2012). “Toward a Revised International Cleanroom Standard”, Controlled Environments, on-line article August 2012, pp1-3. Available at: (accessed 3rd August 2012)

Posted by Tim Sandle

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